Getting Free In-game Pokecoins
The only way to get pokecoins without spending real money to buy them is either taking down or fortify a gym. I have put together a step by step guide to help you do just that.
Pokemon Gym |
- Step 1: Make sure you are level 5 or higher. (Level up by walking around and catching Pokemon)
- Step 2: Find a gym and click on it. (Gyms are those large multi-tiered platforms with Pokemon on top randomly placed around the map)
- Step 3: Join team (Mystic, Valor or Instinct) Check this link out for deciding which team to play because once you choose you can't change.
- Step 4: Take down the gym or fortify it.
Fortify or Battle |
- If your team is already fortifying the gym (Note the color of the platform before clicking on the gym. Blue is Mystic, Yellow is Instinct, and Red is Valor) and there is an extra spot for one of your Pokemon you will see a little join button on the bottom left hand side of the screen. Click this button then choose one of your Pokemon to join the gym and *poof you have now joined the gym with that Pokemon.
- If another team is fortifying the gym the join button will not be available and you will have to battle to take down the team fortifying the gym. (The number of battles required to take it down depend on the gym XP level and the number of Pokemon fortifying it.) Click the battle button on the bottom right and choose your top 6 Pokemon for the fight, then click go. Once you have defeated all the Pokemon and knocked the gym XP down to "0" you will have the option to fortify it. Choose a Pokemon to place in that gym and *poof, you have claimed and fortified a gym for your team.
- Step 5: Once you are back on the map screen, click on your level counter with your avatar's face next to it and it will take you to your avatar screen with leveling statistics, medals, team information and amount of Pokecoins you have.
- Step 6: Click on the Pokecoin. It will take you to the shop.
- Step 7: Click on the shield in the top right corner if it has a number other than "0". You will get 10 Pokecoins for every gym you are fortifying and a 21 hour counter will begin. Once every 21 hours, you’ll be able to go into the Shop and “cash in”.
Leveling Statistics |
- You get 10 coins and 500 Stardust for every Pokemon you have on a Gym. If you have five Pokemon on five Gyms, you’ll earn 50 coins and 2500 Stardust.
- You can have an infinite number of Pokemon on an infinite number of Pokemon Gyms. However, the “cash in” maxes out at 10 gyms.
- Because of this, you can earn up to 100 Pokecoins and 5000 Stardust every 21 hours!

Please be aware, that this means you will need to be aggressive and alot of your pokemon will need reviving and health boosts after battles. This will likely require lots of Potions and Revive capsules so stock up on them at as many Pokestops as you can.
Happy Hunting from the Polar Bear.